Friday, June 27, 2008

Welcome to Dallan's I

Welcome to my blog!

For all of you who have already been here, I apologize because I haven't added anything but a bunch of gab. Don't worry, more art will come! I am an engineer and an artist so you would think I know how to run a computer; but when it comes to blogging my wife is the pro. She does the fancy stuff. I hope you like what you see here. It represents pretty much everything I have done that is worth documenting. Like every self -respecting artist, I have about a million works half finished and kicking around. They will pop up here and there. My wife Rachel said I have to periodically pry myself away from the studio to blog about about my work, so I will add verbal sketches for each painting when I figure out their meanings, or at least something to tell ya' about it. Hope you like my work and give me lots of feedback.

Thanks for coming to look through Dallan's I. (wink, wink)

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