Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Man, I really hope you like this stuff, because this is my favorite stuff to paint. I guess when you can't see very well you have to use your imagination to fill in the gaps. Well, after looking at these I am guessing you are all concerned that I still have a driver's license. Don't worry I got my eyes fixed up a couple years ago and I'm~~~ Okaaay on the road.

I started developing this style in Junior High and High School. I think it was my 12th birthday that my friends (Mason Simons, Jacob Leavitt, and Joel Brough) gave me a fine point Sharpie and a pad of drawing paper and then it was all over. They were always supportive of my desire to express the disjointed understanding of my youth. I think another person I have to thank is a guy that lived in the Simons basement apartment for a few months (Matoon). He had an awesome lettering style that I have yet to mimic.

Okay, there is one other thing I have to say about this style. I attended art class for 6 years in the Las Vegas School District during the height of gang popularity in some inner city schools. Though I paint acid art, I am super laid back, and squint, smile, and don't look you in the eyes all the time: I DON'T DO DRUGS. Believe me, it's true. This is clean imagery. So, DON'T DO DRUGS!!!

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