Friday, October 3, 2008


A combination between ink on paper & Photoshop.

Ink on paper


So I think this is a collusion of my 2 main styles. If you look in the back ground you will see the sun setting across the ocean.

Mixed media on 24" x 36" paper
Started in high school


I used this one in my AP packet to get college credit in high school. Here is some advice. If you like painting, don’t get AP credit art. Here is why. During college I took a mired of useless general Ed classes, but didn't take one art class because my AP credit filled the arts credit required. I was robbed of my requirement to have fun. The classes you want to get credit in are the ones didn’t like doing. i.e. Government, English, History, Math, Science etc. Take it for what it is worth, but I say if you are ever given a requirement to have fun, take all you can get.

If you look at it long enough, you will find the true meaning. When you find it let me know.
Maybe it's the present state of our economy. The $700,000,000,000 bail out is the void in the middle. For Las Vegan's, I say it should be $777,777,777,777 instead. ring 'a' ding ding.
At any rate, my wife likes it and I hope you do too.


If you’ve been around long enough you will remember the 80's movies where the mad scientist dad creates a machine that reduces objects to a microscopic level. Our genius inadvertently includes his children in his testing & they end up inside of nostrils of a 400 lb gorilla running wild through the plains of Africa. Hopefully this one brings you back.

Peacocks & Planets

Don't ask, I don't know. I had this hanging in the living room for a while trying to think of a name for it and one of the kids from the neighborhood suggested Peacocks and Planets. I guess it stuck.

Green Glass

16" x 54" x 1.5" Gallery Mount canvas. I did this for a friend in Utah. It was a surprise from his wife to him. Thanks guys. We will miss you.
Acrylic on 24 X 36 Canvas I think this one of my favorites. Rachel's Aunt saw one of the other paintings in our house and had to have one. So I slapped it together. The canvas always seem to surprise me how it turns out.

Zion's Narrows

Took a photo of a waterfall half way down the Zion's Narrows with a $5 camera Igot out of a mail order catalog when I was 13. I borrowed some nice colored pencils from school and did my best to copy the photo. It is pretty close. That was one of my favorite trips. Got to thank my Scout Masters for this one. Thanks Loney Snowden, Bryan Clark & Tom Brough.

Water Fall

This is my first commissioned piece. Painted for Sarah Leavitt, wife of Jacob leavitt. It was inspired by a visit to "Merry Falls" just in side of the border of Northern New South Wails, Australia and "Manawai'o'puna Falls" in Kawii, Hawii. The piece is oil on 60" x 36" x 1.5" gallery mount canvas Edges painted black. This particular photo needed some work in photo shop to get rid of the flash wash out. The sky has been modified because of flash wash out, but the rest is pritty close. Thanks for putting your trust in my guys. Hope you still like it.

Square Top, (Green River)

I pretty much copied this one from a photograph. It is a picture of Square Top along the Green River. It was taken by Blake Hoskisson in Summer of 2007. I haven't been there yet, but when I heal this foot of mine, it is on my list of things to do. I'm thinking of floating down the river in a canoe. Let me know if you want to come.
This piece represents one of the funnest memories I had in Australia. One morning when we left the flat we decided that riding along the esplanade was just too easy so we tried our bicycling skills riding on the beach. We rode half the length of Hervey Bay in pure soft sand. It was an adventure and probably one of the stupidest things either of the two of us have ever done. The fixit guy at the bike shop was not impressed. It was afternoon before we got to our destination.

In Hervey Bay, the Sugar Cane farmers would burn off all the old crops in September. The ash would fill up the sky and make the whole place red. It made some of the best sunsets. I painted this one from memory about 5 years later, so it has my own interpretations in it. Hope you like it.

Virgin River

This is on a 24" x 36" X 0.75" Gallery mounted canvas. I think the inspiration came from the many times I have driven through the Virgin River gorge, or at least that is what I thought until I went through the gorge recently. Now I think it has to come from somewhere in Zion's National Park. To be honest, the red overtone comes in because I ran out of the brown I wanted to use and the red color is all I had at the time. Call it what you will. Hope you like it.

Avery's Room

This is a floor to ceiling mural in Avery's room. We were painting decorations one day and I just got carried away. Hope it was worth it.